The entrepreneurs

Vidras Group is founded by Michèl Evers and Dick Broekhuis. Michèl has more than 20 years experience in strategy and innovation consulting for multinationals. In 2010 he started his own company Vidare Group for drinking water solutions for countries in Africa and Asia. In 2010 together with Dick, he started  Vidras Group, which combines innovative solutions for the recycling of (city) waste with the recycling of water.

Dick, as co-founder, has more than 30 years experience in Process technology, developing innovative solutions regarding Solids processing, and rubber recycling at a multinational in the chemical industry. In 2007 he started his engineering company Crassus Advice4you.

Vidras Group is a creative recycling concept and project development company, always looking for the client’s best solution.Vidras achievement is to cascade different, best available technical solutions, to come to unexpected innovative results.

Within Vidras Group Dick is Chief Technology Officer and Michèl is Chief Executive Officer.

Michèl Evers en Dick Broekhuis
Michèl Evers en Dick Broekhuis